Method 1: Using the "Approved" function
Pros and Cons of this method:
Translations not yet reviewed will not be auto-approved, so they will not be included in your exported translation. Thus, your translation will not go live unless it is reviewed, so it might affect the speed of shipping your translations.
If you want unreviewed translations to go live, please use Method 2.
1. Set the auto-approved threshold to be higher in your project setting so that translations will not be auto-approved unless the reviewer actually approves the translations manually.
2. Ask the reviewer to manually approve a translation after reviewing it.
3. The reviewer can then easily filter which translations are Not Approved, so they can know which phrases they still need to review.
Method 2: Using the "Finalized" function
Pros and Cons of this method:
Translations not yet reviewed will still be auto-approved, so they will be included in your exported translation. Thus, there will be a risk that unreviewed translations will go live on your project. But some project owners prefer translations to go live faster, so they might choose this option.
1. Ask the reviewer to manually Finalize a translation after reviewing it.
2. Then the reviewer can easily filter which translations are Not Finalized, so they wil; know which phrases they still need to review.
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