We provide an API (/string/output) for clients to get the output in JSON format directly. This API is implemented in our Over-the-air SDK for iOS as well.
In the SDK, the output API will be called from user's device directly without going through your own server. For security reasons, we only need your Public API Key when developing with the SDK.
So you will need to allow users to access the output API without API secret as well if you are going to setup Over-the-air update.
That means anyone with your Public API Key will be able to download the translations via OneSky directly (just like the devices with OneSky SDK plugged).
All other APIs will remain private even if you allow public access to the API /string/output.
Good one, I had no idea about this trick. Make sense if it works pretty well. Thanks! upsers
That was so amazing.
TellCulvers Customer Satisfaction Survey
Great update
The information you provided is about an API implementation in an Over-the-air SDK for iOS. The API allows users to access the output in JSON format directly, and the SDK enables users to update the translations via OneSky directly. Here's a summary of the key points:
1. **API Access**: The API is implemented in the Over-the-air SDK for iOS, allowing users to access the output in JSON format without going through a server[1][2].
2. **Public API Key**: For security reasons, only the Public API Key is required when developing with the SDK. This allows users to access the output API without needing an API secret[2].
3. **Security**: All other APIs will remain private even if public access is granted to the API /string/output. This ensures that sensitive information is not exposed to unauthorized users[2].
4. **Over-the-air Updates**: The Over-the-air SDK supports updates without requiring an API secret, allowing users to download translations via OneSky directly[2].
5. **Scalability**: The new OTA infrastructure is designed to support more frameworks and scale infinitely, measuring usage in gigabytes of consumed data per month (GB/month)[2].
By using the provided information and resources, you can better understand how to implement and manage the Over-the-air SDK for iOS, ensuring a secure and efficient translation update process.
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