For those who are interested in joining our translation force, they should complete and pass our applicant test, which will then be evaluated by our senior translators. The test consists of various categories, such as language proficiency, placeholder and translation. We have a few different tests for translators who apply for different specializations (app, game, IT, etc) as our goal is to ensure every translator is qualified in their specialized fields. In other words, not only based on their experience matters, but also their quality and specializations.
Apart from the above screening process, once new translators are on board, their first translation tasks will be monitored to ensure high quality.
Besides, with an advanced algorithm, our system is capable of allocating the most suitable translator to every order you place. It is also able to ensure term consistency and translation style by assigning your projects to the translator that works on your project the most frequently.
Thus, we will count a placeholder as one word to compensate the effort of translators to take care of them.
Same concept applies to HTML tags or any words or numbers that need not to be translated to
To join our translation team, applicants must pass a test evaluated by senior translators, covering categories Lab Corp like language proficiency and placeholders. We have specialized tests for different fields (app, game, IT, etc.) to ensure quality and specialization. Once onboard, new translators’ initial tasks are monitored for quality. Our advanced algorithm assigns the most suitable translator to each order, ensuring term consistency and style by frequently assigning projects to the same translator.
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