When you order translation on OneSky for a language without specifying the locale, it is assumed that you accept any locale.
For example, if you place an order to translate a website from English to Spanish. On the quotation page, you can choose from the below options:
If you select Spanish, your order may be sent to a European Spanish translator or a Latin American Spanish translator depending on translators' availability.
As Spanish locales vary greatly from one to another, your website in European Spanish may seem like it is full of minor grammatical errors and strange vocabularies to your Latin American audience.
Therefore, it is highly recommended that you specify the locale based on your target market.
If you do not see the locale that you need, it is likely that OneSky does not currently have translators for that language pair. Please contact support@oneskyapp.com to receive guidance on which available locale is the closest to your target market.
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When ordering a translation on OneSky without specifying a locale, the system assumes you accept any locale. For instance, if you request a website translation from English to Spanish, the quotation page offers different locale options. If you select "Spanish" without further specifying, your order might go to either a European Spanish or Latin American Spanish translator based on availability.
However, since there are notable differences between Spanish locales, a website translated into European Spanish may appear grammatically incorrect or contain unfamiliar vocabulary for Latin American users. For this reason, it's recommended to specify the appropriate locale for your target market.
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